Let’s talk about a crucial aspect of those candidate screening calls that often gets overlooked: providing support and making candidates feel at ease.

Taking a recruiters call can be nerve-wrecking for jobseekers, so why not be the friendly face (or voice) that eases those nerves?

A Friendly Hello and a Helping Hand

Imagine you’re the candidate on the other end of the call. You’ve got your CV in front of you, your heart’s racing, and you’re eager but anxious. This is where your role as a recruiter goes beyond just assessing qualifications.

Recruiter taking a screening call with a candidate

The Importance of Regular Check-Ins

As the call kicks off, remember the importance of regular check-ins. This isn’t just about saying hello and diving into the questions. It’s about acknowledging the candidate’s feelings and creating a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Ask them how they’re doing, if they’re comfortable, and if they have any questions before you get started.

Ensuring Understanding

It’s easy to slip into recruiter jargon or industry terms that candidates might not fully grasp. So, check in during the conversation to ensure they’re following along. Ask questions like “Would you like me to explain that part a bit more?”. This simple act can make the candidate feel valued and understood.

Addressing Questions and Concerns

Always make room for questions. After all, this call isn’t just about you assessing the candidate; it’s also about the candidate evaluating the role and the company. By actively inviting questions, you’re opening the door for them to express their doubts, curiosities, and interests.

Statistics image that reads "Did you know? 63% of job seekers will likely reject a job offer because of a bad candidate experience and Job Applicants who do not receive a job offer are 80% more likely to apply again if they already had a positive candidate experience."

A Helping Hand in Action

Let’s imagine you’re talking to a candidate called Sarah via video call. Sarah has a hearing impairment. She’s a little nervous because she’s concerned about potential communication challenges during the call.

Early on, you check in and ask if she’s comfortable with the call format. Sarah appreciates your consideration and mentions that written communication works better for her. You adjust the video call to include written comments and questions, ensuring she fully understands the questions and can respond confidently.

By being patient and accommodating, you’ve not only made Sarah feel more comfortable, but you’ve also demonstrated your company’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

Woman with hearing aid talking to a recruiter on a video call

Screening calls are more than just making sure the candidate ticks a bunch of checkboxes. They’re a chance to create a positive, supportive experience for candidates.

By regularly checking in, ensuring understanding, and addressing questions and concerns, you’re not just assessing talent; you’re making candidates feel valued and easing their nerves. So, go ahead and be the friendly face in recruitment – it might just make all the difference.

Written by Katie Ashenhurst – Digital Design Engineer