When it comes to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, two key principles stand out as the cornerstones of success: unbiased evaluation and transparency. Let’s dive into why these factors matter and how they can make your recruitment process not only fairer but also more appealing to job seekers.

the words "unbiased evaluation" shaking hands with the word "transprency"

Unbiased Evaluation: The Heart of Inclusive Hiring

Unbiased evaluation is the heartbeat of a fair hiring process. It’s all about developing a structured evaluation process that focuses on a candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experience, leaving personal attributes at the door.

That means having a clear format for interviews, with questions that cut to the chase and get rid of the clutter. No more random or irrelevant queries that could lead to biases or favouritism. This approach is crucial in ensuring that no candidate faces discrimination or bias based on factors unrelated to their job performance.

Why Unbiased Evaluation is Vital

Imagine you’re hiring a project manager for your company. One candidate, let’s call them Emilio, has a rich resume full of relevant experience and a proven track record of successful project management. The other, let’s call them Savanna, has similar qualifications but has different personal attributes, such as graduating from a lesser-known university.

In an unbiased evaluation process, both Emilio and Savanna are assessed solely based on their skills and experience. This means that any preconceived notions or biases about background are left aside. It’s a level playing field where the best person for the job gets hired, fostering a more diverse and talented workforce.

But it doesn’t end there.

Even with a structured process, biases can creep in, and therefore continuous review and evaluation of your interview process are equally crucial. This ongoing assessment helps you identify and address any biases that may arise. It’s a proactive approach to creating a more inclusive hiring culture. This isn’t a one-time deal; it’s an ongoing commitment to improvement. The goal? To spot and tackle any biases that might pop up.

For example: Let’s say you’re recruiting for a software developer position. Your structured interview process focuses on assessing coding skills and problem-solving abilities. You avoid questions about personal attributes or unrelated topics. During the review, you notice a consistent trend: female candidates tend to score lower. You dig deeper and realise that this bias might be due to a lack of gender diversity in your interview panel. You take action by adding more women to the panel. This simple change helps to ensure a more diverse and unbiased assessment process.

Transparency: Attracting the Right Talent

In the digital age, job seekers are more informed and discerning than ever. They want to work for companies that align with their values, and transparency is a magnet for top talent.

a fact that says: Did you know? 61% of employees find that job realities continue to differ from what was expected during the interview process. - Glassdoor

Why It’s Vital to Be Transparent

When you’re transparent about your company’s commitment to DEI and your ongoing efforts in this area, you send a clear message to potential candidates. You’re not just making empty promises; you’re taking real action.

For instance, when you share your DEI initiatives on your company’s website or in job listings, it communicates that you’re dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace. This transparency attracts candidates who value diversity and inclusion, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Being transparent is more than just a buzzword – it’s about building trust right from the start. It involves sharing your company’s dedication to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. When job seekers see your commitment, they’re more likely to trust you and consider your company as a welcoming and open place to work.

For example: Let’s say you’re inviting Sarah for an interview. Before the big day, you send her a guide that not only outlines what to expect but also highlights your company’s DEI efforts. This guide talks about your diversity initiatives, your employee resource groups, and your commitment to fair and inclusive recruitment. Sarah is not just impressed; she’s excited to be part of a company that values DE&I and is open about it. Your transparency has not only set the stage for a fantastic interview but also laid the foundation for a more inclusive workplace.

Another great way for employers to be transparent is by allowing authentic reviews from current employers to be readily available – 78% say reviews from individuals who have worked, or are currently working for a company, are influential when deciding where to work (Glassdoor).

A Harmonious Partnership

Unbiased evaluation and transparency go hand in hand. Together, they create an environment where all candidates, regardless of personal attributes, feel they have a fair chance and that they’re joining a company committed to diversity and inclusion.

These two principles form a winning duo in your DEI recruitment efforts. Unbiased evaluation ensures a fair selection process, while transparency not only attracts top talent but also aligns your company with the values of the modern workforce.

Inclusive recruitment is all about creating a level playing field for every candidate, irrespective of their background. Unbiased evaluation keeps the focus on skills and experience, while transparency builds trust and a sense of belonging. Together, they’re the perfect combination for success in today’s diverse job market.

Keep the momentum going in your journey towards a more inclusive hiring process. It’s not only a game-changer for your company’s culture but also a beacon that attracts those who value fairness and transparency. So, go ahead and embrace these strategies – they’re the keys to a brighter, fairer future in recruitment.

Not sure how to showcase everything your company truly has to offer?

That’s where DiverseTalent can help and become your DE&I Recruitment best friends. We are an inclusive hiring platform that aims to take the bias out of the recruitment process.

We believe it’s important for companies to ensure they’re being as fair as possible throughout the recruitment journey and therefore have developed a hiring platform that allows candidate’s to hide their identities while only showcasing their skills, experience, and qualifications (taking away their name, gender, workplace names, school names etc.) while also allowing company’s to be completely transparent about their workplace.

An image that says: Did you know? 96% of job seekers believe that it’s important to work for a company that embraces transparency. - Glassdoor

On our platform, we have created a space for company’s to completely showcase their…

    • Accreditations:
A screenshot of DiverseTalent's Accreditations Page
    • Partnerships:
A screenshot of DiverseTalent's Partnerships Page
    • Benefits:
A screenshot of DiverseTalent's Benefits Page
    • and Awards:
A screenshot of DiverseTalent's Awards Page

After completing the sign-up/onboarding process – your accreditations, awards, partnerships and benefits are then showcased on your “Employer Profile” which is visible to any jobseeker and available for them to checkout at any time.

You’ll notice in the images provided that we provide an extra step for employers to really get the opportunity to elaborate on the details of their accreditations, benefits, and awards. This just gives that extra step of transparency that allows jobseekers to not only learn more about your company but value it, as well as allowing the company to earn the jobseeker’s trust.

Job seekers and employers can then go on to be matched based on their values AS WELL AS how well their experience and skillset aligns to the role.

If you want to sign up and trial our platform, go to ,app.www.diversetalent.ai, to register your account.

If you want a demo of our platform, contact us via our contact page and we’ll organise a live demo at a time convenient to you!

Written by Katie Ashenhurst – Digital Design Engineer